2017 was a big year for customers of The HiVE, who by the end of 2017 had attracted nearly one million visits and gathered over 50,000 community contributions!

We wanted to better understand the value that digital engagement creates and how our customers use The HiVE to connect with their communities, so we crunched a bunch of data and combined the results with great web design to produce the following 2017 Year in Review website.

2017 Year in Review

View the report on emerging trends in digital engagement.

In preparing the site, our objective was to bring some of the trends emerging in the digital engagement space to life, at least as told by some of our 'typical' customers.

We wanted to better quantify information around key indicators of usage and performance such as:

  • how many people utilise online engagement?
  • when and how do they participate?
  • which tools get used most?
  • how do people arrive to the site?
We also wanted to help our customers understand how their results compare to other users of the product, a question we’re often asked, but can be difficult to answer.

It should be noted that the results of this exercise are generally indicative, and not all of our data was included in the final analysis as all organisations (and engagements for that matter) differ in terms of their configurations, target audiences, and subject matter.

If you would like to learn more about the Review, or want to explore how you could use The HiVE in your digital engagement activities, please get in touch with us.