Version 2.1 of THE HiVE software is being finalised and will be soon be delivered to all Customers as part of an Upgrade.

Upgrades will be scheduled for each Customer and we will be in touch to arrange a suitable time for the Upgrade . As part of the Upgrade, sites will need to be put into Maintenance Mode for up to a couple of hours for the Upgrade to occur. During this time, Users and visitors will not be able to access and use their site.

What’s Coming

New features coming your way as part of the new Release will include (but are not limited to):


A new ‘Reports’ section has been added to the Dashboard which combines data and functionality previously split between the ‘Results’ and ‘Analytics’ sections. This will provide Users with a better way to access project data in one location, and includes refined reporting metrics, interactive graphs, improved data tables and exportable reports.

As a continuing priority area for us, ongoing improvements, new functionality and innovations to Reporting will continue in future Releases.

Member Profiles and Follow Functionality

As part of our ongoing efforts to create tools that help you grow and manage your online community, Members will now have accessible User profiles that link to a number of new features. They will be able to to view and update their Profile information which includes personal details, demographic data and user preferences.

New automatic emails will be able to be sent to your Members when news items are created and when new projects are launched to keep them coming back and participating.

For Premium Customers, a new ‘Project Follow’ feature means Members can easily ‘subscribe’ to a project and receive updates from the Newsfeed tool. It can also help you generate lists of who is interested in your projects, and drive the conversion of visitors to Members, to help grow your Membership.

Data and Exports

The way data is presented within, and exported out of, the Platform will be upgraded. Most areas of the Dashboard that have tables of data will be given a makeover, and new features to facilitate the sorting and filtering of data will make viewing and analysing your data faster.

There are now more options for exporting data out of the Platform, and exports have been cleaned up to ensure more consistent language and presentation. Meta-data has also been added to exports to help you keep better records of your data.


A new ‘Settings’ area will be added to the Dashboard that will let you configure a number of items including access to tracking codes, social links, project interests, project groups, teams and email notifications.

More settings will be added in the future to help you customise and manage your Site.


For Premium Customers, a new permission and project attribute will be added to allow projects to be grouped into ‘Teams’. Teams may correspond to departments, agencies, working groups or other entities within your organisation.

Used in conjunction with a new User Role, ‘Team Lead’, all projects and associated files, data and reports will be permissioned so the Team Lead will have full access to their Team projects.

Automated Email Notifications

A range of automated email notifications (in improved, branded templates) will make it easier for you to engage with your Members.

These emails will include ‘Welcome’ emails sent to all Members after sign-up, notifications when new projects are published that match the interests of Members, and (optional) notifications to ‘Followers’ of a project when News items are published.

What’s Changing

New Features

  • The Analytics and Results dashboard have been combined into single new Dashboard section called ‘Reports’ which has had an overhaul to its user interface., including a new graphing interface.
  • Added new publishing date to accurately record when a project was first published.
  • Added an ‘All Time’ preset to the date picker to allow Users to easily select the date from when a project was first published.
  • A new metric for ‘Followers’ has been added to Reports.
  • Project Reports are now available for export from the Reports area of the Dashboard.
  • The ‘Analytics’ area of the Dashboard has been renamed to ‘Site Analytics’ and now only contains sitewide information (now only visible to Site Administrators).
  • ‘Teams’ have been added as a project attribute to associate project with an organisation, department, agency or other group.
  • A new User Role called ‘Team Lead’ has been added to control Teams and provides nominates Users with access to all Team projects and associated files, data and reports.
  • A new ‘Settings’ area has been added to the Dashboard and includes settings to manage the Site name, contact details, tracking codes, social links, project interests, project groups, teams, and email notifications.
  • Members now have publicly viewable Member Profiles where the user can change their personal information, general preferences and notification preferences.
  • A 'welcome' email will now be automatically be sent to visitors after registering to become Members.
  • Members will be automatically sent email notifications when new projects are published that match their selected interests (e.g. topics and locations).
  • Email notifications can now be sent to project followers when news items are published (requires ‘Follow’ functionality).
  • Visitors will be prompted to sign in / sign up after making a contribution (requires ‘Follow’ functionality).
  • Members will be prompted to ‘follow’ a project after making a contribution (requires ‘Follow’ functionality).
  • Email notifications can now be sent to designated Users of a project when contributions are referred by our moderators.
  • Open Graph meta-tags have been added to web pages to facilitate sharing on social media networks.
  • A new ‘Group’ project attribute has been added to to associate projects to a common group (e.g. an overarching collection, program or initiative).
  • A new permission has been added to control which User Roles can create new projects.
  • A new permission has been added to control which User Roles can publish a project for the first time (for projects going from draft to live).
  • Project File Sets are now automatically created when a new project is created.
  • Files uploaded by visitors and Members via participation tools are now added to a new File Set called ‘Citizen Submissions’ which is automatically created for each project.
  • Changes submitted through a Workflow can now be rejected by an Approver and an email notification will be sent to the Submitter.


A number of improvements will provide increased usability throughout the Platform. Improvements will include (but are not limited to):

  • The HiVE theme will receive a makeover, including the implementation of a darker blue colour to improve colour contrast.
  • All projects are now permissionable and only Users with access to the projects will be able to edit content and view associated files, data and reports.
  • Only Site Administrators and Team Leads will now be able to create a project. Project Leads, Team Leads and SIte Administrators will be able to publish changes.
  • Users with publishing rights will no longer be forced to submit their changes through Workflow.
  • The user interface of the ‘Projects’ area of the Dashboard will receive a make-over including additional search filters.
  • Files will now be required to be associated to a File Set. In most cases, File Sets are automatically created when a project is launched including a general File Set for project files, and a (read-only) ‘Citizen Submission’ where any files contributed by visitors and Members will be stored.
  • Draft Pages will now be able to be linked to Project Pages prior to publishing.
  • Character limits will now be applied to Project Titles and Descriptions to create a consistent and improved user experience, and prevent the design from ‘breaking’.
  • The display of the Newsfeed has been improved to use the ‘Title’ and ‘Description’ attributes of the News Page rather than rendering its entire contents.
  • The User Role ‘Project Manager’ will be renamed to ‘Project Lead’
  • New meta-tags will be added to pages to improve the the appearance of links shared on key social media sites.

Retired Features

Several small features and some functionality will be deprecated in the upcoming Release to help us move towards a more consistent and stable version of the Platform. These will include:

  • Users will no longer have the ability to copy pages. There have been several issues with this feature and it will be removed until a better solution can be found.
  • Users can no longer publish draft projects from the Projects list.
  • Removal of ‘File Attributes’ dropdown in Dashboard.
  • Several reporting metrics have been removed from the Reporting area:
  • ‘Demographics’ section including age, gender and location map (will return)
  • Page Depth metric of the Engagement Index has been removed after careful consideration (may return in different format)
  • Legacy metrics (will not return).
  • The ability to bulk ‘Import’ Members has been removed as many Customers found this feature difficult to use. It will be re-added when a better solution can be implemented.
  • Site Administrators will no longer be able to view the ‘All Members’ tab in the Members section.

How to Prepare

There’s a couple of things you should do to get ready for the Release once you have been scheduled for the upgrade:

  • Notify your Users that the site will be unavailable during the scheduled deployment time (this will be sent to you shortly).
  • Notify Users with publishing rights that they will no longer be required to submit to themselves for approval to prevent accidental publishing of pages.
  • Edit any long project titles and descriptions that exceed the new character limits. We will provide you with a list of these.
  • We’ll manually help organise your files into File Sets, but you should review post-release to ensure all your files are associated with the correct File Sets. We’ll email you with any questions beforehand.
  • If you are using any Newsfeeds, you should add some content to the page descriptions on your News Pages. This will ensure they look good when displaying in the new format.
  • Assign appropriate Users and User Roles (e.g. Project Leads, Project Authors, etc.) to your projects to ensure they can see any files, data and reports.