Please be advised, the following Release Notes are subject to change.

New Features

  • Introduced a new 'People' reporting section in the Reports area of the Dashboard including a variety of metrics and data relating to Members who have participated in engagement activities.
  • Added two new sections to the Form results reporting including an 'Overview' section showing a range of metrics relating to who participated and how, and a 'Summary' section showing the aggregated results of the From tool as a question by question summary.
  • New PDF exports of the People and Form reports.


  • Improved email notifications to include a plain-text version in addition to the HTML version (9 August 2018).
  • Added the copy of the user submission to the confirmation email of 'Gather' (9 August 2018).
  • Added the legend (or key) information to the image exports for all data visualisations (20 August 2018).
  • Adjusted the user interface to lock the page editing area while a page is in the process of saving to prevent potential issues (29 August 2018).
  • Disabled the certain buttons in the pop-up workflow notification and 'Details' section to prevent a second workflow request from being triggered while the first request is still processing (29 August 2018).
  • Made a number of improvements so public users can better understand if they have been logged out or their session due to inactivity. This includes the addition of login prompts on participation tools, a login modal that allows users to stay on the page (without losing data), and a feature that changes the member profile button to a 'login' button when a Member gets logged out (6 September 2018).
  • Increased the padding at the bottom of the Form and Text blocks to bring them in line with other HiVE tools (13 September 2018).
  • Made a number of project attributes including 'title', 'description', 'status' and 'type' mandatory in the 'Details' section (25 September 2018).
  • Improved the performance of the Members export when multiple Followers are present (scheduled 6 October 2018).
  • Made improvements to the way 'Views' are measured to ensure all 'Visits' have a 'View' associated with them (scheduled 6 October 2018).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue preventing Site Admins from viewing the results of participation tools used on Site Sub-pages (9 August 2018).
  • Fixed issue which accidentally unsubscribed some project followers when the project is updated (9 August 2018).
  • Fixed Gather tool confirmation email not including copy of submission after custom message (9 August 2018).
  • Fixed issue causing project update emails to incorrectly display when non-ASCII characters are used (13 August 2018).
  • Fixed issue causing the Dashboard Panel to forget its state (open or closed) persistent when navigating to a new page or refreshing the existing page (15 August 2018).
  • Fixed issue causing YouTube preview images to not properly display in the 'Gallery' when certain URLs are used (9 August 2018).
  • Fixed issue causing Members list to not display correctly when apostrophes are present in the Member data (27 August 2018).
  • Fixed issue preventing users from adding/editing items in the 'Gallery' in IE and Firefox (3 September 2018).
  • Fixed issue that allowed videos to auto-play in the background in Fund It tool (6 September 2018).
  • Fixed performance issue causing the respondent images in Q&A tool to be loaded in the page at the full file size (12 September 2018).
  • Fixed the Gather tool’s submission counter to display the number of submissions after the tool status is changed to 'closed' (21 September 2018).
  • Fixed issue causing the 'Sitename' to not be rendered in project update email notification (22 September 2018).
  • Fixed the datestamps for contributions in the Q&A and Gather tools in some time zones (24 September 2018).
  • Fixed issues causing the 'peak participation' dates to appear incorrectly in the displaying in the 'Overview' PDF export (24 September 2018).
  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to delete project titles and save the projects without names (25 September 2018).