
  • Enabled the project list to be sorted by news publish date (2 May 2019)
  • Disabled block caching when viewing a page mapped to a domain via the site domain (30 May 2019)
  • Fixed theme customization not inherited by domain subpages with multiple domains plugin (30 May 2019)
  • Updated the CRM to allow for real-time user data transfer between The HiVE and other internal applications (6 June 2019)
  • Added permissions to Subscriber lists so that only the Site Users who have been assigned to the project can access the relevant subscriber list.
  • Improved the order and structure of the feedback results data table and export so that it is consistent across all feedback tools.
  • Improved the privacy of the feedback tool results by hashing all IP address data within the Feedback Results data tables.
  • Separated the Member Username and Email data from anonymous screen name and email data within the feedback tool results.
  • Updated the feedback tool results to ensure that attributes containing personal information are not displayed in the results if not explicitly enabled in the member attribute settings.
  • Removed the Member IP field from the feedback results export as it was deemed superfluous data for analysis.
  • Updated the Member Status options within the feedback results export so they are consistent across all feedback tools.
  • Updated the Contribution ID within the feedback results datatable and export so that each contribution within The HiVE has a unique ID. Note: This will affect all future, current and past feedback tool results.
  • Updated the signup date fields in the members dashboard so that it can be filterable by a date range.


  • Fixed issue with thumbnails in Gather Report (17 April 2019).
  • Fixed issue with Gather tool throwing an exception if commenting disabled (17 April 2019).
  • Fixed issue with users unable to manually turn reCAPTCHA on for selected feedback tools (17 April 2019).
  • Fixed reCAPTCHA related issues in Social Map (2 May 2019).
  • Fixed issue with project users unable to edit specific attributes on the Events tool (9 May 2019).
  • Fixed issue with conflicts between multiple Social Maps being added to the same page (10 May 2019).
  • Fixed issue with feedback results missing data in view (17 May 2019).
  • Added missing popularity score and number of comments to Gather export (17 May 2019).
  • Updated Facebook login/signup button so that it aligns to the Facebook design guidelines (22 May 2019).
  • Fixed issue with events feed not displaying in IE (29 May 2019).
  • Fixed reCAPTCHA not being rendered if a feedback tool is placed within a tab (29 May 2019).