New Features

  • Introduced a configuration option to display a cookie consent banner (4th March 2021)
  • Introduced the ability for users to toggle on display of password when registering or logging in (3rd June 2021)
  • Introduced the ability to filter and present News Feed items based on project groups, teams, categories, locations, status and type (3rd June 2021)
  • Introduced design and sorting configurations for the News Feed by to support thumbnail images (3rd June 2021)
  • Introduced design and sorting configurations for the News Feed to support display of a summary (3rd June 2021)
  • Introduced design and sorting configurations for the News Feed to support editable Call to Action links and text (3rd June 2021)
  • Introduced design and sorting configurations for the News Feed to support an editable project title (3rd June 2021)
  • Introduced design and sorting configurations for the News Feed to support display types, such as List, Panel, Card, Carousel (3rd June 2021)
  • Introduced design and sorting configurations for the News Feed to limit the number of updates to display (3rd June 2021)
  • Introduced design and sorting configurations for the News Feed so that Cards have an option to select how many rows and columns to display (3rd June 2021)
  • Introduced design and sorting configurations for the News Feed so that the updates progressively load or can be set as a fixed number (3rd June 2021)
  • Introduced design and sorting configurations for the News Feed so that items display by date order or reverse date order, based upon on the date the item was created (3rd June 2021)


  • Improved the Zoom tool to prevent any logging of personal data (18th February 2021).
  • Improved Form tool drag and drop question type to be better announced by screen readers (18th February 2021)
  • Sentiment analysis updated to skip entries greater than 5000 characters (18th February 2021)
  • Updated Events tool so that Events can be set up to be online or in-person (4th March 2021)
  • Updated Page Title delimiter from a double colon (::) to a pipe (|) (11th March 2021)
  • Updated reset password requests to be invalid after a successful login (11th March 2021)
  • Updated Mailer Templates to support multiple languages (18th March 2021)
  • Improved site performance by serving simplified pages to Facebook crawler (25th March 2021)
  • Introduced a configuration to allow Project List blocks to be hidden from view for Community members if they do not have access to any projects within the list (31st March 2021)
  • Improved responsiveness of Fund It to allow button text to overflow on a new line (8th April 2021)
  • Enabled Projects to be published under team pages (22nd April 2021)
  • Added support for Google Analytics 4 (22nd April 2021)
  • Updated Feature Grid so that image thumbnail size is based on the column display (29th April 2021)
  • Removed redundant Body section from project sub-page launch form (29th April 2021)
  • Updated Fund It Tool to support additional currency options (6th May 2021)
  • Improved accordion error messaging to refer to title and content fields (27th May 2021)


  • Fixed an issue with scheduled publishing not reflecting updates to project status (25th February 2021)
  • Fixed issue where changes to Quick Poll was duplicating response options (4th March 2021)
  • Fixed an issue where Recaptcha was preventing user submissions on Fund It (31st March 2021)
  • Fixed issue with Social Map location bookmark autocomplete being restricted to Australia (15th April 2021)
  • Fixed issue with events page permissions which was preventing project users creating and updating event pages (15th April 2021)
  • Fixed an issue with the display of Overview reports that was affecting small result sets (15th April 2021)
  • Fixed an issue with the display of special characters in the display of email subject lines (13th May 2021)
  • Fixed an issue where a duplicate banner would appear when making changes to draft page templates (20th May 2021)
  • Fixed issue with display of images and videos in fund-it tool on mobile (27th May 2021)
  • Fixed an issue with Overview reports, for site users with no reports available an alert panel is now shown (27th May 2021)
  • Fixed issue in Social Map which was causing browser console errors on private projects (27th May 2021)
  • Enabled synch between public projects and Open Cities sites (27th May 2021)